Do I Need To “Believe” In Hypnosis For A Session To Work?

First, let me be clear, everyone can be hypnotized ONLY IF they wish to enter a deeply relaxed hypnotic state. This cannot be forced upon you; it’s simply a matter of choice, YOUR CHOICE. And since everyone experiences this state differently, there is no real way of saying whether or not you’re hypnotized. It’s all about your desire to achieve deep relaxation so you can quickly get to the root of your issue and remove any mental and emotional obstacles.

Second…No trained professional can ever, and I mean ever, over-power you and get you in a hypnotic state without your willingness to do so.

So then, what does it take?

Getting into a hypnotic state requires you to intend to do so. And to experience phenomenal results will need for you to want it to work – Because; remember (please read the blog on ‘hypnosis & hypnotic state,’ if you haven’t already), you have complete control of mind and body. It’s not a matter of belief; it’s a matter of whether you want and will allow yourself to get into a deeply relaxed state.

The pictures that you hold in your mind of getting in a relaxed state or your thoughts and words that you say to yourself to get you relaxed all act as orders to be obeyed by your mind, for you to ease into this deep relaxation. So, the more you believe you’re ready to relax and transform your old beliefs, the better your outcome coming out of a session will be because your beliefs and expectations are a “green light” for your brain cells to execute.

Now I want you to imagine yourself feeling excited that you’ve finally found something that will work for you and you’re going to get the results you truly want. Get focused on your session, and tell yourself, “I’ll quickly and effortlessly get into a natural, comfortable, peaceful, relaxed state and be ready for change.”

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