How only 1 to 3 Sessions Transforms Your Life?

Get to the ROOT of your issue, FAST!

“DING! The lightbulb went off. Nothing is wrong with me, but I’m holding onto SO much… From years ago! I felt lighter, my vision became clearer, and life made more sense.” – EG.

I can’t believe that one session can change my life around overnight, even after reading all types of self-help books.” – CC.

Benefit by:

ELIMINATING self-limiting beliefs & self-criticism.

ERADICATING deep-rooted fears that shatter your confidence.

POWERFULLY OVERCOMING doubt & feelings of failure or shame.

I’m excited to have you here!

I’m Sam

Entrepreneurs’ Go-to Person For ‘Self-Sabotage.’

I help entrepreneurs confidently step into their power to skyrocket their performance & connections.

Simply put, my mission is to help you resolve the inherent fears that cause you to get in your way & keep you ‘stuck’ in all areas of life.

I understand that’s a challenge, but I’ll help you grow outside your comfort zone and strategically challenge thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that no longer work for you so you can really get under the hood of your life.


Hours of Yearly Continuing Education


Hours to Achieve Clinical hypnotist status


Days of practice to master the method


Percent Satisfaction


If MOST of your days are like this, and you’re ANNIHILATING your personal values and professional goals, that leave you feeling mentally & emotionally crippled. You’re possibly self-sabotaging.

  • Secretly FEARing ...

    - Being judged? Because you feel you can’t do it perfectly, leaving you feeling restless, anxious and angry - Check!

    - Being a success? Because with success comes exposure, change and unpredictability, making the world unsafe and leaving you feeling anxious and stressed - Check!

    - Being a Failure? Because it’ll show that there’s something wrong with you, leaving you feeling shameful, sad and alone - Check!

    - Uncertainty? Because you feel you won’t be able to handle the change it brings, leaving you feeling anxious and stressed - Check!

  • Need help OVERCOMing...

    - Low self-esteem, Lack of confidence...?
    Deep down, you feel unworthy and lack the self-esteem and confidence to get what you want and SELF-sabotage by stopping to try altogether.

    - The Guilt & Shame
    For not being further along in life, leaving you feeling like a failure...?

    - Overthinking, Helplessness & Hopelessness...?
    You hold yourself back in many ways and SABOTAGE your success in different areas of your life because of an inherent fear.

    - Avoidance & Controlling...?
    You keep away from uncertain situations and SABOTAGE your goals as a form of distraction from anything that feels unfamiliar.


  • You’re AGONIZing With...

    - Time-Management, Over-Commitment?
    Life feels hectic, and you want to stay on top of everything. You struggle to set boundaries, leaving you feeling stressed and burned out.

    - Perfection & Taking Action?
    Striving to be perfect might sound like a good thing...BUT setting too high of standards for yourself often gets in the way of being effective, getting started, or even finishing.

    - Procrastination?
    Creating unnecessary delays or excuses from doing your best work by putting off your responsibilities because you lack self-confidence

    - Self-doubt & Being Unsure of Yourself To Succeed?
    You get discouraged when something goes wrong, or you’re not growing as fast as you’d like, making you feel like giving up.

    - Isolation & Resist Connecting?
    You resist communicating because you worry that by asking for help, you’re highlighting your failures and fear being “found out,” and you feel lonely.

    Triple CHECK!!!

What does it mean to self-sabotage?

This is how you’re unknowingly Self-Sabotaging.

You’re trying to go from being average to being on top of your game, BUT you don’t know why you can’t do it.
From the outside, it seems you’ve got the Success, BUT you feel something is missing, and you’re not fulfilled.
You’ve got the skills and the experience, BUT you can’t seem to reach your highest level of performance.
You’ve envisioned yourself as the one that, against all odds, went out and created magic, BUT you’re still stuck researching and learning and never seem to take action.

Starting the next best phase of your life shouldn’t feel like…


This is what I can help you with.

These Are 3 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Success in Your Personal & Professional Life

This is how I can help you.

The UNSTUCKable Solution

An ELEVATED GROWTH MINDSET solution that fast-tracks you to identify the CORE of what’s keeping you ‘stuck’ & cut-out rotting roots so you can create FERTILE grounds to develop mindsets that only a FEW self-aware entrepreneurs have.

  • The Reasoning...

    Because once you quickly get to the ROOT of what's keeping you stuck and problem-solve at the core, you'll create a safe mental space from where you'll begin to experience better emotional, physical and mental health, allowing you to POWERFULLY express yourself and be authentic.

    *****STILL, only a FEW curious and BOLD ones who choose to be self-aware will take this route*****

  • And here’s what happens if you do. You’ll...

    - Find those subconsciously sabotaging behavioural pattern traps that you keep falling into.
    - Shed light on your darkness and find answers to get focused and sharp.
    - Release those unprocessed emotions and sabotaging beliefs.
    - Feel lighter in your mind and body because your nervous system is relaxed.
    - Find your energy and motivation are off the charts leaving you to do plenty with your loved ones and partner.
    - Feel no guilt, no worrying about what you ‘should’ be doing.
    - Automatically know to sit down, turn on your focus, and do the work that matters ON COMMAND.
    - Boldly speak up and confidently ask for what you want and need help with, knowing it may get rejected.

    This is the way of the unusually aware and potent entrepreneurs with high potential.

  • Conclusion...

    You'll express and process your emotions instead of dwelling on them in a safe environment!

  • This Is Who I Work With...

    The sessions are right for you if...

    - You're an Entrepreneur or Business Owner and consider yourself successful in (*most*) aspects of your life but still knowingly or unknowingly get in the way of your own success and sabotage in major or minor ways and don't understand 'WHY' or 'HOW to go about it.

    - You've tried everything, or you (*think*) you have, anyways, but nothing's worked.

    - Or you want to fast-track in getting to the CORE of your problem and terminate it from its root because you're tired of just dealing with the symptoms only to have the issue reappear again and again, leaving you in despair.

    Then you're in the right place!

  • This Is Who I DON'T Work With...

    The sessions are NOT right for you if...

    - Reviewing past events will unfavourably impact your emotional or mental health should you participate in a session. You should not book a session with me if you or your treating healthcare provider(s) have any concerns about past or existing issues with your mental health.

    - You’re looking to waste your money and our time together. So, if you plan on sitting in on a session and not whole-heartedly investing in your shift, then know that I can’t help you.

    - You don’t have the drive and time to commit to your transformation.

    - You’re still trying to decide whether you’re ready to rid yourself of self-sabotage.

    - You’ve convinced yourself that you have no responsibility for all these overwhelming feelings.

  • This Is My Approach...

    You must understand approach is not built for everyone!

    I’m a ‘roll up your sleeves and let’s get down to business and free you from your issue’ kinda woman.

    I LOVE Collaborating with you to problem-solve, and bringing you resolution is what I get a HIGH on. This is not therapy.

    ......teaching and showing you what's stopping you from plugging into your full potential so you become the success of your life. Because only then will you begin to behave in a way that allows you to thrive in the ever-changing world.

    YOU MATTER! And I genuinely care about helping you figure out how to remove obstacles from your way. I’ll never rob you of the opportunity to become great by telling you how to solve your problems!

  • This Is My Style...

    My communication style according to previous clients, friends and family:
    - No B.S. BUT loving
    - To the point BUT curious
    - Firm BUT caring
    - With boundaries BUT eccentric

    Oh, and to give you a FAIR WARNING, IF... you run for the hills at hearing words like “Shit” or “MindFuck” - Let us lovingly part ways NOW 🙂 because you’ll for sure see tiny glimpses of this in our interactions together.


This is how we can meet.

Your 4-Step Guide To Booking With Me

It’s not easy to try to figure things out by yourself. So I created this simple process to guide you to me.

Book A FREE 30 Min Introductory Call

We’ll meet in a Zoom private chat room and discover if and how I can help you and whether what I offer is right for you, and then you’ll decide if I’m your person.

Make A Payment

I’ll email you an invoice and a link to my ‘’ account that allows for safe, cheap, and fast transfers in all currencies, and you can make a payment.

Book Your Session

View my calendar and select your preferred date and time and receive a confirmation email.

Meet With Me

We’ll map out what you specifically want to achieve, review the previously filled intake form, and then start the session.

This is what a session looks like.

Hypno-Analysis Sessions

These sessions incorporate effective subconscious mind deprogramming and re-programming using the RTT method.

  • What's the RTT Method?

    The Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Method is developed by Marisa Peer, one of the most well-respected therapists worldwide. It's...
    1) Fast-working
    2) Solution-focused
    3) Efficient
    4) Can be used in place of or alongside other therapies.

    This therapeutic method involves effective hypnosis & analysis that combines several different psychotherapeutic techniques, such as Hypnotherapy, CBT, and NLP, and it's designed to powerfully extract the root cause of every client's issues soon as possible.


Held within a private, Zoom chat room, so no travel time is required.


Two-hour sessions so you’ll get the most desirable outcome.


A powerful line of questioning, deep understanding strategies and active client involvement.


Quality sessions that are just as effective as in person.

This Is what It’s Like To work With Me.

So, What Should You Do Next?


There will always come a time when you have to make a hard choice between TWO paths:

Yours & The one Others choose for you.

In these very moments, you’ll discover what truly matters to you & what you’re willing to do to ‘get out of your own way.’ Your Choice…?

This is how you can learn with me.

Monthly blog series that reflect the best of what I’m living and learning, all to provide you with insights and resources.

Further expand your knowledge! Learn with me here.

Got Questions?

Here Are The Answers To Your Top 4 Questions.

Have more? Be sure to check out the answers to frequent questions.

  • What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

    It's mainly described as a profoundly relaxed, feel-good state, but everyone feels it differently. What's most important is knowing how you feel isn't an indicator of how effective it is. Regardless of what it feels like – it's working.

    To learn more, read the blog post on 'What is Hypnosis? What is a Hypnotic State.'

  • Can I Get Stuck In Hypnosis?

    No way. Hypnosis brings about a deeply relaxed and highly focused natural state; people are often surprised when they realize they have full control of their minds, themselves and their surroundings at any moment. And even if the internet gets disconnected during our session, you may stay in this deep relaxation if you wish but will eventually notice that you’re not hearing my voice and open your eyes with ease and comfort.

  • What If I Go Back To Scenes That Are Painful Or Scary?

    Please know you won’t relive the event; you can’t even if you wanted to – you’ll remember it, and together, we’ll review whatever comes up. It’s the same as watching a movie, yes, you’ll feel the emotions of the movie scenes, but you’re not in them. Rest assured that I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your feelings and process what needs to be processed.

  • Is It Safe To Experience Hypnosis On a Chat Platform?

    Yes, it is safe. I’m trained to do hypnosis and will guide you to a safe and relaxed state. I see all my clients on zoom, and I get excellent results and I’ll be with you every step.

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